
projects must be realised through different artistic media;  

projects must be artistic and have educational value;  

the project’s author can be of any nationality and citizenship;  


the project’s author at the time of the work’s complition must be from 0 to 35 years of age;  

the curator and/or the one responsible for the projects can be older than 35 years old;  

authors and/or curators may be individuals or groups;  

the submitted artistic projects must be based on people, sites and events of the city of Bolzano during the 20th and 21st centuries.  

projects may not exalt ideologies and aspects of discrimination against cultures and cannot undermine human dignity;  

each entry of the presentation/description of the project form must not exceed 2000 characters (spaces included);


each project must be accompanied by a minimum of 2 images and a maximum of 10, or by one or more videos which will be selected for publication on ZeitRoom – the young virtual museum.